School Management System


School Management System is an enhanced ERP that automates and simplifies school/college processes while conveniently bringing administrators, students, teachers, and parents together.

It helps you manage student admissions, school timetable, fees, attendance & Evaluation (staff & students), staff management, assigning exam centers, question paper requirements, print hall tickets, marks and results, budget preparation, library management, resource tracking, recruitment, salary monitoring, staff training etc.

Student Information

Student Information are store and track all student information, including grades, attendance records, and more. Products are used by teachers, students, and parents to communicate all relevant information pertaining to a student’s schooling.

Improve management of prospective and enrolled student data. Increase communication between divisions. Maintain data of stakeholders when transferring records between departments etc.,.

Teachers Information

The teacher is one of the important entities for a school. The teachers are there to teach the students. The teacher can take the attendance of the students. He/she just has to enter the class and section name into the portal and the whole list of the registered students of the section will be displayed to him /her.

The teacher can mark the present and absent accordingly and at last, can save the record. This data will be reflected immediately.


Attendance Management System enables collection of all attendance reporting according to fixed or incidental work rules, and calculation of hours worked in real-time for wage payments. This system also allows inter-departmental flexibility during a workday and obtain costs with cost centers..

Our Attendance Management System is completely online and enables real-time data display of employee attendance or absence. Etc.,


Student life cycle from enquiry to class completion. It provides an easy way to perform different activities (like Admission, Timetable, Attendance, Exam) and tasks for Teachers, Principal, Staff and Students.

Without a timetable, nothing falls into its right place. The student can access the schedule of the class he or she has to attend and some information such as class number, time of the class, which teacher will take that class etc.


Library Management is a software used to manages the catalog of a library. This helps to keep the records of whole transactions of the books available in the library.

There are many features which helps librarian to keep records of available books as well as issued books. This software is available in both mode i.e. webbased or local host based. We provide best Library Management System of this planet. Keep record of different categories like Books, Journals, Newspapers, Magazines, etc.

Fee Collection

Student Fees collection & receipt printing software is the most important department of a school, college or institute.

This is the major source of income and major activity of any day in any education institute. In a school, you will need to receive fees from hundreds of students in a day and issue receipts to them. This process should be very fast and accurate. Advanta Rapid ERP is the School fee collection software, which automates department of fee collection for any school with complete security and consistency/accuracy of your data.


Bus/VAN Transportation Management Software is designed for effective maintenance of transport in school/ or institutions. This module directly deals with various issues like optimum utilization of school transport and manage route and drivers details.

School management software has introduced the best feature of Transport Management which facilitates better security to students and parents. This module tracks and maintains all the details related to transportation which includes vehicle name, route details, transportation fees and this structure can be predefined.


These are the main points at the top of my head which I can include in the school management project. And more key features are include in the school management projects.