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Web Development Services in Chennai

Every company involved in web desiging process has its own methodology

TimeMin Solutions Pvt.Ltd. in Keelkattalai, Chennai has also desiging its own methodology. Developing information for the Web requires a focus on meeting users needs. To accomplish this, our methodology involves six elements and these six are continuously ongoing.


Discussion Planning :

The process of choosing among competing opportunities for communication, so that, overall goals for the web can be set. These goals include anticipating and deciding on targets for the audience, purpose, and objectives for the information. Planning is also done for domain information through a process of defining and specifying the supporting information that must be collected, how it will be collected, and how the information will be updated. A web planner anticipates the skills called for the web specification as well as the skills needed for constructing particular parts of a web.

Analysis :

A process of gathering and comparing information about the web and its operation in order to improve the web's overall quality. An important operation is one in which a web analyst examines information gathered about the audience for its relevance to some other elements or processes in web development. Information about the audience's level of technical interest can have a great deal of impact on what information should be provided to a user about a particular product or topic.

Design :

The process by which a web designer, working within the web's specification, makes decisions about how a web's actual components should be constructed. This process involves taking into account the web's purpose, audience, objective, and domain information. A good designer knows how to achieve the effects called for by the specification in the most flexible, efficient, and elegant way. Because it relies so heavily on the other processes and elements in web development, however, the design process is not more important than any of the others, but it requires a thorough grounding in implementation possibilities as well as knowledge about how particular web structures affect an audience.

Implementation :

The process of actually building the web using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML or improvements on it). The implementation process is perhaps most like software development because it involves using a specific syntax for encoding web structures in a formal language in computer files.

Promotion :

The process of handling all the public-relations issues of a web. These include making the existence of a web known to on-line communities through publicity, as well as forming business or other information relationships with other webs. Promotion might involve using specific marketing strategies or creating business models.

Innovation :

The process of making sure that the other development processes continue and improve. This includes monitoring technologies as well as employing new technology for new innovations that might be appropriate for the web, as well as finding creative or unique ways to improve the elements of the web or engage the web's audience in its success. Innovation also involves seeking to continuously improve the usability and quality of the web and exceed user expectations.

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